It is cheaper than gum-trag and just as simple to use.
In the cake decorating world it has several uses, and is considered to be an essential item in your cake decorating toolkit.
Tylo powder (also known as Tylose powder) is used to make sugarpaste dry harder than it normally would.
You can use Tylo Powder to make your own edible glue, you can turn sugar paste into modeling paste, and you can use it to make flower paste too.
Here are a few hints and tips on how to get the best from your Tylo Powder :
How to make Modelling Paste
Making Modeling Paste is easy kneading Tylo Powder into sugar paste (approx a half teaspoon of Tylo to 250g of sugar paste).
More Tylo Powder gives a firmer paste that dries harder but is more inclined to crack while working, knead in a little white fat (Trex) and use white fat on hands and tools to help prevent this.
Modelling paste can also be made by mixing 50/50 flower paste with sugar paste.
Edible glue recipe
Mix 1 part Tylo Powder to 30 parts water.
Leave overnight, add more water to achieve required consistency.
Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose Gum
Suitable for vegetarians, vegans, kosher, halal, GMO free and allergen free